Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I did my required four miles today. It's funny, but I'm more exhausted now than I was when I ran eight miles on Saturday. I think I couple of factors come into play here: 1. I'm running alone instead of with Andrea and the others, 2. I put in a full day of work and dealt with a 45 minute commute before starting my run, and 3. My neighborhood is way hillier than any of the trails we run on during training. My coaches say that hill training is really beneficial, and I know that it will build up my stamina and make me able to go faster on flat terrain, but it still isn't any fun. Hopefully Cooperstown isn't super hilly, because I'm looking forward to another not-to-difficult (albeit lonely) eight miler when we go out of town this weekend.

In related news, one of my coworkers is doing the Nike Women's Marathon a week from Saturday. She has to go out to San Francisco for it, and she's really looking forward to it. I'm excited for her, and I can't wait to see that Tiffany's necklace that she'll get in lieu of a finisher's medal. To me, the hills of San Francisco are worth it for the bling that you get to flaunt afterward!

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